ActionScript function to convert XML into Array
To allow the grouping and summary rows in DataGrid, I decided to convert existing report (old fashion DataGrid) to AdvancedDataGrid, which is a new feature of Flex 3. And which is turned out that raw XML I receive from backend returns an error. I needed more control of the data. As a part of the fix I wrote the conversion function which returns associated array collection based on input xml. Enjoy: private function xml2array(xml:XMLDocument):ArrayCollection { var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); var xmlNodes:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(xml.childNodes); for (var i:int = 0; i < xmlNodes.length; i++) { var thisRecord:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var rowObj:Object = xmlNodes[i].childNodes; for (var j:int = 0; j < rowObj.length; j++) { var thisNodeName:String = rowObj[j].localName; var thisNodeValue:String = ''; if (rowObj[j].childNodes && rowObj[j].childNodes.length > 0) ...