Interaction Design and Interactive Prototypes (Axure RP)

This page is demonstrating what kind of interactive prototypes can be designed/developed in Axure RP . To achieve the complex interactions, involving some basic math functions, and DOM updates, I injected javascript through the back door the Axure leaves for designers. The trick consists in ability of jquery-based javascript access any DOM element on the html page, and manipulate it. However the detailed explanation how and why I developed these prototypes is outside of the scope of this article. At least for now. Below are my examples of interactive design, along with the instructions how to use some of their interactive features. These Interactive Prototypes are not part of my portfolio. Notice these are just some examples. I did much more while working in Calypso Technology. Interactive Prototypes created with Axure RP prototyping software Forex/Equity Options Flow Pricer 1. In the datagrid, in the "Enter new trade" on...