
Showing posts from September, 2009

Building Adobe Flex project with ANT on Windows

Have you ever? Steps are easy. You download Apache Ant from the official web site. Unzip it, then set up system variables. On Windows they will be (and make sure you have Java JDK, not just JRE installed): 1. ANT_HOME=C:\Ant 2. JAVA_HOME=C:\JDK 3. Edit your PATH system variable and add the following separated by semi-colons: C:\JDK\bin;C:\Ant\bin; Note that you may install JDK and And in any other locations on your workstation. Copy, or have Flex SDK you compile your Flex app with in accessible place. Then write file in the root of your project. File will be similar to: # Use this file to set the path to your Flex SDKs # # flex.sdk.release = the normal Flex SDK # flex.sdk.release is required # flex.sdk.release=/Flex-SDKs/3.4.0 Then you have to create build.xml file at the same location. This is the file, which will be launched by Ant. Actual compiler package, mxmlc.jar, is the part of Flex SDK. Making long story short, below is the example of build xml file....

Interviewing for Flex developer position

As another project is close to GA date, and I am seriously re-thinking of my position in the company, at current job, new questions of my knowledge of Flex framework have been raised. Quick research of possible interview questions on the web revealed thatfollowing topics are not covered well, and not in the lists ofquestions for the interview! I am surprised - these topics areessential for Flex development: How do you find loitering objects in Profiler? Have you created custom UI Component? Why would you override commitProperties(), createChildren(), updateDisplayList()? Have you written unit test for Flex? Have you ever build the Flex project with ANT?  Be aware. Here is a quick and simple reply to third question in this list: . On this topic also read:

OpenDNS resolving DNS issues in Windows 7 RC

While almost everyone is out for Burning Man, and I am still wondering why I like computers the most spending one more sunny day in the office, I managed to resolve DNS problem on Windows 7 RC (6.1.7100). I should mention that I am having blue screen of death several times a week, but it is not what bothering me much. What is really annoying is I can't browse the internet. My browsers do not resolve the websites names. This problem is intermittent. I have to wait for a while, and names resolution is back. Rest of the web services are working, like skype, for example. Today I found the solution! It's OpenDNS (, which provide their own DNS servers instead of my isp's. My configuration is: wi-fi adapter, connected to the router provided by AT&T dsl service. All you need is to set openDNS' dns servers for your network adapter. Problem is gone. I have to add that openDNS provides other useful services (you have to register though, and install their tiny c...